Sunday, 12 June 2011

Giveaway Winner

Time to announce the winner of my 30 subscriber giveaway!

Thanks to, here they are:

1st Prize goes to Kayleigh
2nd Prize goes to SuperHotFemale

I'd like to add a disclaimer here:
Anyone who reads this blog has probably figured out that Kayleigh is my super bestest friend, however I won't stop her or anyone I know from entering my giveaways, and if picks her I won't disqualify her for being my friend, the same as I won't disqualify someone who has already won, even if it seems unfair or favouritism, it would be unfair to do it any other way. I don't pick the winners, does.

So well done Kayleigh and SuperHotFemale!
I'll contact you both shortly.

Hell Thirteen

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